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If you’re not yet registered to vote, TODAY is the deadline for the upcoming primary election in Pennsylvania.

The May 21 municipal primary will decide local party Democrats and Republicans who will be on the ballot in the November general election.

In Philly, those registered will select Democratic and Republican mayoral candidates — including Mayor Jim Kenney, who is up reelection. He is being challenged by Democrats Alan Butkovitz and state Sen. Anthony Williams in the primary. The Republican candidate for mayor, Billy Ciancaglini, is running unopposed in the primary election.

In the primary, Philly voters also will select the candidate from each party who will run for Philadelphia City Council. There are seven at-large seats up for grabs on City Council and more than two dozen Democrats and seven Republicans running.

To register, you can fill out an online voter registration application here.

Registration for the November general election begins immediately after the primary, on May 22.