
Republican voter suppression scheme revealed in North Carolina.

The woman who accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault issued an official statement. She's getting a growing number of supporters.


New Jersey Senator Cory Booker has announced his candidacy for president.

The president was apparently so desperate for support for his beloved border wall, he decided to try to appeal to two core demographics that he's routinely disrespected.

But the Brooklyn congressman isn’t worried.

Brian Kemp's fable about a cybercrime helped to swing the election against Stacey Abrams in his favor.


The storm cloud of negative attention that seems to hover over the president just got a lot grayer for Trump.

Cindy Hyde-Smith won't return campaign contributions after winning her runoff election.

An early Iowa Democratic Caucus poll placed Joe Biden far ahead of his possible rivals for the 2020 party nomination for president.